Simple, gripping, understandable 5 levels to master for success. Great Pick, highly recommend.
Success is a very vaguely defined term; some describe it as having financial freedom, having liberation of choice;
some describe it as being useful to the society, being able to own a house, support your family,
stable job,etc.etc.; most describe it as per different perceptions of people at different levels.
Hence for a youngster Success becomes a very confusing term.
I thought why not make the life of new entrepreneurs or solopreneurs easier.
Mono Focus is the way to achieve Mastery on anything.
Be the hunter or the hunted. There are predators and there is prey. All die one day; you choose how you want to die, as a Hunter or a Prey. I'd prefer to die a HUNTER.
Nothing is entitled to your even if you are the son of the most influential person or the most connected, You have to Hunt, Period.
If you possess a fire (even a faint one), all traits to success can be taught.
Today's advantage is tomorrow's disadvantage. Nothing is permanent on this planet. The mighty are toppled by the new forces, If you want to become big, prepare yourself accordingly.
TIME is NOT a replenishible resouce, Use it wisely.
Buy and Enjoy 100% natural products in health, beauty and food category. All my brands have been serving millions since 1999. They are loved worldwide and we are continously exploring more innovations to bring to you products as close to nature as possible without use of chemicals or minimal use to keep them usable and safe for humanity, other species and the environment.
Copyright By JS Dhingra 2023